Nursing services have been there since the inception of Mental Health Institute at SCB Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack. The Department of Psychiatric Nursing established by Health & Family Welfare Department, Government of Odisha, as per the Centre of Excellence scheme under NMHP. Indian Nursing Council(INC),New Delhi and State Nursing Council(ONMC) had given permission to start Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing course from 2014- 15 onwards, which is affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
Adequate Nursing lab and therapeutic instruments are available in the department.
Course curriculum and Academics
The department strictly follow the updated INC course curriculum of Post Basic Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing. Lectures, seminar and case presentation are conducted regularly.
Out Patient Services
Outpatient services for non-emergency cases are run on all days except Sunday from morning 9.00 A.M to 5pm with lunch break from 1to 2 pm.
TIMINGS: 9 am to 4 pm
- “Nightingale Nursing Times”, ISSN-0975-2188, Vol -9, No-3, June- 2013, PP NO-19-20, 31, ’’Assessing stress Level of caregivers of patient with Alzheimer’s —-in selected hospital, IMH ,Chennai Tamilnadu.
- “Journal of Science” ISSN -2277-3282, Vol-3, Issue -2/2013, Pg. No-62-65 “Impact of yoga therapy or substance abuse among the substance abuser in selected De-addiction Centre, Odisha”.
- “Nightingale Nursing Times”,ISSN -0975-2188, Vol-9, No-10,Jan -2014, Pg No-43-45 , “Level of anxiety armour the patient undergoing haemodialysis in related hospital, Salem , Tamilnadu”.
- “Nightingale Nursing Times” ISSN-0975-2188 Vol-10,No-2,May -2014,pg No -27-29 “Effectiveness of SIM regarding psychiatric emergencies on knowledge among the staff nurse working in Mental Health Institution ,S.C.B,M.C.H, Cuttack ,Odisha”.
- “International Journal of Nursing Education & Research”, ISSN-2347-8640 Vol-2, Issue -3 / July –Sept. -2014 pp-224-230. “Management of upper Respiratory tract infection among the mothers of under -5 children in selected area of BBSR, Odisha”.
- “Nightingale Nursing Times”, ISSN-0975-2188 Vol-10,No-7,October -2014 pg No-33-36 “Nursing students knowledge on Disaster Preparedness.”
- “Journal of Science” ISSN-2277 -3282 Vol-4, Issue-6 /2014 , Pg No 363-370 “Effectiveness of VATM on ECT care among the nursing college ,BBSR, Odisha”.
- “Asian Journal Nursing Education & Research” ISSN-2231-1149. Vol-5,Issue-(1), jan-march-2015 pg No-(145-149) “A study to assess the Effectiveness of SIM on Knowledge regarding Identification & Management of High-risk pregnancy among the ANM students in a selected Nursing school BBSR, Odisha”.
- “International Journal of Nursing care,’’ ISSN-2320-8643, Vol-3, No-1, Jan-june-2015 Pg No-18-22, ‘’ effectiveness of STP on Knowledge regarding care of mentally retarded children among the caregivers in a selected special institution at chetana,BBSR,Odisha’’.
- “International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing” VOL-1 No -1 , Jan-June-2015 pg No- 168-172. “A study to assess the impact of educational intervention regarding warning sign of Dementia of Alzheimer’s type among the elderly people of selected area , BBSR, Odisha”.
- “International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing” ISSN-2394-9465 (print) ISSN-2395-180 X (Eectronic) Vol -1 No-2 , July-Dec-2015 Pg No-58-63 “Effectiveness of SIM on prevention of suicide among the engineering students at selected engineering college ITER ,BBSR ,Odisha”.
- “IOSR-JNHS ( International organisation of scientific Research )” Journal of Nursing & Health science Vol-4 Issue -4 (version –VII) ISSN-P-2320-1940 ISSN-E-2320-1959 pg No-(01-06) “Effectiveness of Jacobons progressive muscle Relaxation technique (PMRT) to relative anxiety among the alcoholic patients at MHI ,SCB,Cuttack, Odisha”.
- IJAMSCR “International journal of Allied Medical Science & Clinical Research ISSN-2347-6567” Vol-3 /Issue -3 /July-sept-2015 pg No-359-366 “Assess the efficacy of reminiscence therapy on wellbeing among the elderly person”.
- IJSR- “International Journal of Scientific Research”, Vol -4 Issue-10 Oct-2015 pg No 13-16 ISSN-2277-8179 “Asses the effectiveness of VATM on knowledge regarding home care management of chronic schizophrenic patients among the caregivers in a selected hospital MHI,SCBMCH,Cuttack, Odisha”.
- “International Journal of Advance in Nursing management (IJANM)” Vol-3, No-4, October –December-2015 pg No- 345-350 ISSN-2347-8632 “Impact of Pranayam to releive stress among the caregivers of schizophrenic patients at selected hospital , MHI,SCB Cuttack, Odisha, India”.
- “International Journal of Nursing care” ISSN-2320-865 “Need Based Educational Intervention on post menopausal care in order to prevent osteoporosis”. Vol-4 No-1 Jan-june 2016 pg No-63-67.
- “The Genesis” A peer reviewed Referred Journal Vol-2 Issue 4 oct-dec-2015 ISSN-2395-7164 “Self care management of cancer cervix among the patients admitted in Caritas Cancer Center, Kottayam”.
- IDC International journal A peer reviewed referred journal ISSN-2395-3357 Vol -3 Issue -2 February-April-2016 Pg No-9-14 “A study to assess the effectiveness of awareness programme in the form of psychodrama on Knowledge regarding behavioral problems in children among the mothers of selected community area in BBSR Odisha”.
- “International Journal of Psychiatric Nursing” Vol-2 No-2 July –dec-2016 ISSN-2394-9465 Pg 84-88 “Impact of VATM on knowledge regarding multi disciplinary parent education among the caregivers of children with Autism in Autism therapy Center BBSR, Odisha”.
- “International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science” “Impact of Genetic Counselling for evaluation of risk & follow-up in the prevention & control of mental illness among Antenatal mothers” VOL-1 Issue-08 Oct-2016 e ISSN-2455-8737 Pg. No. 293-298.
- “International Journal of Nursing Education and Research” ISSN 2347-8640 (Print), ISSN 2454-2660 (Online), Vol.-10 / Issue -03 / July- September /2022, PP No – 244-248, “A Study to assess the Psychosocial problems and coping strategies of significant family members of mentally ill patients admitted at MHI(COE), SCBMCH, Cuttack”.
- Moharana K. The effectiveness of group awareness on the attitude of GNM students regarding complementary and alternative therapy in psychiatric treatnent. Indian Journal of Psychiatric Nursing.2011 Feb;2(1): 18-19.
- Moharana K. Effect of structure teaching programme on the knowledge and opinion of nursing students towards prevention of mental retardation.2013;3:134-137.
- Moharana K. Effectiveness of structure teaching programme on the level of the knowledge and opinion of B.Sc Nursing students towards Primary Prevention of Mental retardation.Indian journal of psychiatric nursing.2010; Mar,81-82.
- Moharana K. To assess the knowledge and attitude of trainee school teachers towards Specific learning disabilities of children-A pilot study conducted in Sambalpur, Odisha.indian journal of community medicine.2015; Oct,23-25.
- To assess the knowledge and attitude of trainee school teachers towards Specific learning disabilities of children in selected training institutions of Odisha. Indian journal of research .2015 ; 28-31.
- “Nightingale Nursing Times”, ISSN-0975-2088,Vol-10,No-2, May 2014,pp No-27-29,’’Effectiveness of self instructional Module regarding psychiatric emergences on knowledge among staff nurses working in mental Health Institute S.C.B M.C.H, Cuttack’’.
- “The Orissa Journal of psychiatric” ISSN-0975-122X,Volume XX1,sept 2014,pp No-57-67,’’ A Study to assess the knowledge and attitude towards social stigma or mental health problems among 2nd year GNM students at school of Nursing ,SCBMCH, Cuttack.’’
- “International Journal of advance in Nursing Management” ISSN-2347-8632(print) , ISSN-2454-2652 (online), Volume -6/ Issue -2/ April –June /2018,PPNo-111-114, “A study to assess the level of satisfactory regarding Nursing services among the patients admitted at mental Health Institute (COE), SCBMCH, Cuttack”.
As a part of Centre of Excellence the department of Psychiatric Nursing supports the District Mental Health Programmes of the State in training Nurses for the treatment and management of patients with mental illness/Intellectual disability.
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